Tagged: Pauline Theology

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The Law was Added: A Paraphrase of Galatians 3:15-29

Ok, but then why add the Covenant of Law at all? What purpose would it serve? Why not just fulfill the Covenant of Promise without any intermediary period of Mosaic Covenant (and with it, the seed as national Israel)? The law was added to illustrate, illuminate, incubate, impede but also aggravate the problem of transgression.


Paul was not a Theologian

Paul was not a theologian, he was a pastor. Paul’s theological endeavors are secondary to his pastoral purpose; he uses theology to address and resolve pastoral problems.


Paul’s Theology is His History

Wrede brought an end to the old liberal enterprise by arguing that you can’t seperate Paul’s religion from his theology. There is a deeper truth embedded here: you can’t seperate Christianity from history.