Monthly Archive: March 2024


He Gave Us Fiction

We are made storied creatures. We are bound by a story; we are anchored in a narrative. This world in which we live and move and have our being is God’s world, and God has given this world a narrative structure. It’s all one big story. We have to understand the word of God within that story.

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Is the NT Reliable? Part 5: The “Hard” Problem

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Is the NT Reliable

Paul’s definition of the Gospel keeps going. Jesus continues to work by appearing to and appointing apostles. These apostles were eyewitness. They had unique authority. They are empowered to exercise that authority by the Holy Spirit. And at least part of what that authority entails is testimony.

The NT is that testimony. It is the apostolic deposit, the word-work of the eyewitnesses, the tradition that Paul and Peter and John entrusted to the church, the confession upon which the church is to stand and hold fast.

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Is the NT Reliable? Part 4: Historiography

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Is the NT Reliable

For Christians, theology and history are inextricably linked. Our theology and our way of life is described precisely in terms of what happened.

Choosing direction 1

Is the NT Reliable? Part 3: Theology

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Is the NT Reliable

The church speaks as one: we are Judean and Greek, we are one body, we will affirm one another’s expression of our common faith in Jesus the Christ. Amidst the diversity of Christian expression–some Christians live like Judeans and are zealous for the law of Moses (Acts 21), and some live like Gentiles (and yet have forsaken the ways of their forefathers, 1 Pet. 1:18)–amidst the diversity there is, nevertheless, a common core: Christ is Lord.