Monthly Archive: November 2017


Witsius: We not only pray TO God, but FOR Him

The first petition of the Lord’s pray calls upon God to “hallow” his own name, which is remarkable for at least three reasons. Witsius argues that this is remarkable for three reasons: It is...


How to Write a Seminary Paper: Part 2, Researching (And Perfecting) Your Thesis

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series How to Write a Seminary Paper

In our first post we looked at the most important aspect of a good seminary paper: the thesis. But the thesis is actually only one leg of a three legged school. A good seminary...


Pray in the Plural

I am really appreciating Witsius on the Lord’s Prayer (which is what I am currently preaching through at CTK). His insights are striking and perspective-changing, and his analysis is exhaustive. He is, in fact,...


How to Write a Seminary Paper: Part 1, The Thesis

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series How to Write a Seminary Paper

It’s that time of year again. No, not Halloween. Not Thanksgiving. Those are just warning signs of the impending doom that awaits. The impending doom, of course, is the end of the semester at...