Pilgrims without a Pilgrimage

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5 Responses

  1. Sherman says:

    Hi Dr. Keene, thanks for taking the time to write all these helpful blog posts. My name is Sherman from Toronto. I love the book of Hebrews as well and would love to learn more about it. I was wondering if you have any resources that you recommend or perhaps those sermons that you mentioned. I tried searching Christ the King church website for them but I couldn’t them. Thanks again!

  2. Sherman says:

    Hi Dr. Keene. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I posted earlier but it didn’t seem to go through (I think?). I wanted to ask if you had any list of resources that I can look into as I would love to learn more about it. I tried looking for your sermons on it listed on the church’s website but I couldn’t find them. Thanks again!

  1. June 8, 2017

    […] and function. Why the tabernacle? What does it do? What is it’s purpose? I argued in a previous post that the whole point of the tabernacle is to provide Israel with access to the presence of God. We […]

  2. December 2, 2022

    […] Let’s keep going with Hebrews as our example. It matters that it’s not a letter. True letters like Philemon or Galatians are written to very specific people for a very specific reason. You write a letter to say thanks or express condolences or ask a favor or give instruction. If Hebrews isn’t a letter then it shouldn’t be read like Philemon or Galatians (in which the historical moment is key to interpretation), or like a doctrinal treatise (for which the didactic elements are most important), but rather like the sermons in Acts or the homilies of Jesus. How do we read sermons? What makes them different than traditional letters? Well, there may be some degree of historical specificity to a sermon, but they tend to be more “generalized” than letters. They also tend to be organized around exhortation rather than argumentation. Sermons contain argumentation, to be sure, but the point and purpose of a homily is, in the end, the imperative: “believe” or “behave” or, in the case of Hebrews, “hold fast” (Heb. 10:23). […]

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